Preventing Viral Replication With Ease

To continue the discussion of viruses during this flu season, I will dedicate a third blog to a single extraordinary product, HUMIC FULVIC COMPLEX. It stops the replication of viruses! Through the years, I have depended on the very short list of available natural anti-virals such as Olive Leaf, Beta Glucan and certain powerful oils. I still use them, but now Humic Fulvic is proving to be the most dramatic in its effects.

While a virus is dormant in a cell, Humic Fulvic can do nothing directly against it, but its prophylactic use can keep the cellular terrain under control in order to inhibit any provocation to this sleeping demon. But if a virus does start to replicate within the cell due to stress, contagion, or lifestyle, then the crowded mass of new ‘baby’ viruses will finally have to burst out. That is the moment when Humic Fulvic is at its most beneficial–a good reason to have it immediately at arm’s reach–at the first inklings of a cold or swollen gland, or at the first tingling sensation of a coming herpes blister. That is when the numbers can be handled best. So at viral onset or when an acute viral infection is full on, Humic Fulvic should be increased to deal with the situation.

Viruses such as herpes and shingles are particularly mercurial and unpredictable. However, regular use of at least one Humic Fulvi capproximately every 12 hours will give preventive around-the-clock coverage to discourage, scavenge, and eliminate the virus. Thus prevention is best! We always suggest that one start slowly with one capsule, with or without food, for the first 2 to 4 days.  This will minimize any strong detox reaction and discomfort. Then, one every 12 hours. If you are in an active outbreak or feel that you are stressed, or sense the early signs of an outbreak, you can take up to 3 to 4 twice a day.

There is no downside to taking a higher dosage of Humic Fulvic when needed. Heavy usage results in many benefits such as a stronger beneficial detox, support for the gastrointestinal tract, and re-mineralization of the body. The researchers have seen cases where strong use over a period of 18 months led to the rebuilding of discs. Another benefit of Humic Fulvic is that when taken with a healthy meal or with supplements, it acts as a carrier and increases the cellular uptake of the nutrients in your food, making your on-going health regime more effective.

In addition, Humic Fulvic works systemically in the body to increase blood oxygen levels, and works as an anti-aging bi-directional anti-oxidant.  This means that it is a carrier of nutrients IN and toxins OUT. As an optimal source of bio-available minerals, it supports a healthy gastrointestinal tract. The innate intelligence of the product responds to the needs of the individual body’s demands and addresses each challenge it encounters. All these impressive benefits are taking place while Humic Fulvic continues to scavenge and eliminate any free floating viruses. With all the GMO foods, pesticides, and pollutants, along with the financial stresses of today, we need to be well protected. Sometimes the protectants are hidden but not hard to find!

I think this product will go Viral!